Running clockwerk as a pos4?

I like running him as a 4 with warlock, jakiro, silencer as the 5. tranquils, wand, urn, force staff.

You virtually always see +5 Armor, +30 battery assault, and +125 rocket flare damage for talents. W, Q, Q, E,Q, R.

Pos4 needs to help secure kills in any lane he can. Run down squishy supports, disrupt their cores. use your cogs early to help your offlane with blocking first creep wave. if clock isnt making plays and getting kills, he is useless and will just feed.

use smokes to get sneak behind their team to setup walking into them with battery assault.

Dont try and get kills solo, unless its a super squishy support that you know for sure you can kill. when youre going to try and initiate, ping the fuck out of the person you are going on so your team knows, and will help you get the kill.

/r/TrueDoTA2 Thread