Terrorblade Talent tree - which to pick and why?

1st - 10% Evasion vs 20 Movement Speed. Pick 10% Evasion if you find yourself constantly getting pressured and always in a teamfight as the 10% can mean alot compared to nothing. The movement is really good only early because its usefulness is maximized for farming and escaping.

2nd - 25 Attackspeed vs 250 Health. This is almost situational, if the enemy team is a tanky focused lineup like having Ursa or Sven carry, then the 25 Attackspeed can mean alot to blow them up easily. But if you find yourself having low health and easily destroyed the 250 health will help you alot to longer engagements.

3rd - 8 Reflection CD vs 10 All Stats. My opinion here is that if you are at lvl 20, you should have items/farm already to not worry about having stats. You’d probably want the -8 CD because not only does it help you farm faster if you need it, it also helps with lane pushing with illusions. Also having extra illusions in a teamfight can help alot. Just the extra constant 50 damage.

4th - 300 Meta Range vs 35 Sec Sunder. Sunder is always good because people would want to blow you up and they would focus you most of thr time because of the damage you do. Skadi will be enough to slow them down so you really don’t need the extra range unless you guys are losing and defending HG.

/r/TrueDoTA2 Thread