Why is transitioning/playing from support to pos 1/2 is very hard than 1/2 to support

I was 2K because I was playing all heroes and roles my goal was to try always something new in game rather chasing ranking points and I can easily play with 4K players because have many friends who I was playing with party ranked, feel no difference between skill level expect balance drafts, almost less big mistakes during games especially late game, general understanding of game a bit higher rather lower rank But if you play well enough feels no difference between skill. But games was more interesting especially when I played against party 4K team vs myself + 4 legends, I played OD. Solo carry that by out farming and have high control team fights/objectives, destroy their mid laner during lane phase. I tell that everything because understood try harding games are actually more fun rather playing random with lower ranks For me everything below 5K is extremely boring games just people don't notice but they never played outside of ranks.

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