It’s so easy, even a Titan could do it...

Doomfang enhances the weakest super subclass outside of the grenade. The hit registration on Sentinel is the worst in the game.

Supression nades are a lucky thing and clutch when used right, but when you suppress one and the second super comes out shortly after, you're out of grenades it's not that fantastic. Trust me I've shutdown supers, but the better counter to a super is another super especially since the suppressor's blast radius is so small

Dunemarchers are great but require a shoulder charge tree to make full use of.

Synthoceps are good too, but require melee in a shotgun advantaged meta. (Personally I snipe with revoker and recluse, so melee isn't something I'm keen to do to a shotgun sliding towards me)

We need exotics that enhance the mid game of trees other than shoulder charge

If they made Antaeus wards less buggy it'd be good. Since that's not subclass or ability specific.

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