Has anyone ever (not necessarily this particular breakup) written the dumper any kind of note/letter that made them reconsider?

Most dumpers get into rebounds but I'm so in love with my ex I do not see myself with any other guy. Most dumpers leave for selfish reasons but I left because I was deeply hurting during the relationship because of his lies. I don't even talk to anyone anymore, I've isolated myself. I think most dumpers are perceived as villains and it's just so wrong. I feel like I'm the dumpee though I'm the one who left.

I would reach out but I don't know if he changed, I don't know if he's dating someone new (he already got into 2 rebounds after the last breakup we had), I don't know if he hates me, and if he wants to move on I wanna be respectful and not interrupt his healing process.

Deep down, I want us to get back together and work on the flaws, it's real hard accepting that he's gone. He apologised a month ago but he felt no remorse, it hurt me so much.

However now I've unblocked him everywhere as the anger stage is gone, I'm not going to use social media from tomorrow, I'm taking a huge break and it's pointless leaving him blocked. I'm afraid I'll never get over him

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