DAE MJF is GOAT tier heel?!?!?! Who has ever gotten this much heat with the fans that pay money for merch and tickets and ppv’s?!

This is some XPW tier garbage.

Between this and the absolutely tasteless promo last week about killing a woman in a car accident not long after a wrestler actually died in one, they need to put a leash on this fucking guy.

But they won't because Tony's a fucking mark like MJF said and will let this guy do whatever he wants because "DUDE, HEAT, HE'S SUCH A GOOD WORKER AND THE NEXT RODDY PIPER"

And people always go "Yeah, but backstage MJF is totally a nice guy, really he is, he's a goofball!" newsflash, if you act like an asshole 99% of the time, you're a fucking asshole, and that's all there is to it.

And Cornette excuses this Clown and slobbers all over his dick on the regular despite the fact that he's done things in the ring that makes Corny hate somebody forever (he lost CLEAN to Kris Statlander and did the alien telekinesis spot with her, as well as taking all of Joey Ryan's dick based offense)

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