The S3 Plan

And that's fine, but the story is one sided then. It's not like I lacked reason. He's not the first e-dog I've had to e-euthanize, so yeah, my methods aren't exactly typical, but they are semi-effective.

Nothing I did put him in any more harm than he himself put himself in. If anything, I just relayed the fact that his info was quite public, and people DO NOT LIKE THAT. People use alts to hide their traces. Different user names and such. You find a flaw in their security, and yeah, you're a stalker bitch fag.

But at no time did I have harmful intentions. Simply silencing him on an IRC chat the best way someone without moderation powers can. Not letting bullshit stand. Moderation became much more exclusive than when I was proud of being a moderator. I was dethroned after RevanchistPrime went on his banning spree, so again, his actions effected me, and I wanted justice.

It's not hard to order a pizza through tor, or call through google and a voice changer. There is plenty of malicious untraceable things you can do with such information, but never did I do them, and never did I had the fact I had his information. Everyone knew about my case against revanchistprime, but no one truly understood it.

I find flaws, and exploit them. This works for any mystery. I'm incredibly white hat about it though. It's typically for the benefit of the community. I've hacked facebook/hotmail accounts through info gathering, and simply sent the user how I figured out their password, so someone more sinister than I doesn't follow my steps. I just enjoy figuring things out.

You can't say the drama isn't entertaining. I know I enjoy drama, even while it's my own.

But never do I wish lasting harm to come to someone. I never intended for them to fight over a facebook message, or have caused these so called marital issues, which I find hard to believe are solely my doing.

The paranoid schizophrenic bit? Welcome to the issue facing schizophrenia. People don't understand others reality. And that's no ones fault, because we can't possibly do so. I can promise you asides from depression and anxiety, I'm otherwise mentally sound. The paranoia you see? Welcome to Mystery Hunts. Where everything's a clue until it isn't. I mean, I've seen the astral planes of LSD, and have a mild case of HPPD from a large but hugely spread out usage of psychedelics, but I don't think I'm jesus. My ego sometimes makes me feel like I'm gods gift when things are going my way, but I don't think tv-shows and advertisements are intended for me personally, or rather, I didn't until targeted advertising became a bigger thing.

If you met me in person, you'll find that I'm apparently highly intelligent(Though intelligence isn't a thing you can feel), full of jokes and charm, and take care of your dying grandparents when you want to forget that they're dying. I'm training using a Karambit, but only so I don't ever have to be a bystander when I see someones life at risk. If World War 3 breaks out, you'll find me enlisting as a medic so I can save as many of you fucks as I can.

I'm queer as fuck, and have always felt like an oddity in comparison to most, which is why people find me annoying I suppose, or outlandish. Because I am, and I fully recognize that fact. But Tesla loved a pigeon, so sometimes, outlandish is what you need to see possibilities.

I have never asked for anything in return for these hours invested. To bring new links when things are dry. I've read every post since this subreddit was created. I've followed Kojima back to the start on twitter. I've researched navajo culture and lore. I've watched numerous films and tv shows. I've listened to 1984 and am reading Moby Dick, though I've read summaries and interpretations.

I am not the enemy to this subreddit. I am not a bad guy trying to lead people on. I'm just me, trying to figure out this mystery. I fully believe there is more coming before 04/01/16. After which, I will be gone. So, either enjoy me while you have me, or know a true struggle when I'm gone. I've earned more karma, made more posts, and overall tried to keep the userbase searching for answers when we become too focused on disarmament, than any other user. I've been wrong and misinformed before, but that is going to happen when we're literally trying to understand what the fuck is going on, while the media is telling us "theres nothing weird about this, stop searching".

7780s studios and Moby Dick Studios, and people still somehow think this is all about a MGS V easter egg. Yes, it's a thing, but it's simply a piece of one of the most beautiful pictures ever created in gaming. Kojima was using "MetaMan" as his thing for promoting MGSV, and people somehow refuse to think this mystery ever went Meta. It's not about any one piece of Kojima's works. Its about Kojima's works as a whole, due to the self-references existing throughout.

Yes, a lot of what I post is assumptive, but if I'm to listen to what the game and media says, its over and MGS is dead. That is the pain that keeps me here, as well as all of you. Which is also the theme of the game.

So why hate the one person trying to figure out if it actually has a pulse or not? This post isn't entirely directed to you either, bard. Just, people who post like you did here.

It's like I'm like a starving artist, and you're the asshole trying to burn down the gallery. It gets no one anywhere.

So instead of just saying I'm wrong, say why I'm wrong. Give me constructive criticism. Just because you didn't like something I posted, does not make it irrelevant.

I just sorta feel like people might change their tune when they actually know where I'm coming from, which is why this is so drawn out. I am a troll, but this is the one place I try to keep troll free, because it's important to have nothing but the truth. The nuke war is going on for every MGS fan. It's not exclusive to NBGO, and we didn't create it. It's canon and is introduced in chapter 2.

Our claim to fame was the Chapter 3 title card, and portopia tapes. Neither of which had anything to do with a nuke race. I mean, the two sides spawned from here, but they would have spawned anywhere due to the nature of the game.

So, I feel this is more a subreddit for the unknown. Things that need community answers, and multiple inputs. If I see something in a rock, and someone else sees it too, we know it's a potential thing. If no one else sees what I see, then we know it might be a case of Jesus Toast.

And shit, I didn't think people minded having more blue in a sea of purple links. how dare I give you something to read/watch/be inspired by when you're bored and trying to figure out a video game mystery. Most of the people criticizing me post about nukes, a topic everyone should well know by now. Talking about them won't disarm them any faster. We have our mission, what's there to discuss?

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