Sandbox v1 notes: penetration & aiming nerfs, new spg gimmicks

Disclaimer: I know this is all subject to change! I'm giving my feedback!

Things I like - Overall, I like the changes to view range and traverse speeds (hull and turret). I hopefully with combat the view range saturation and make light tanks much more potent. I also like the reduced arty damage and pen. If pushed and hesitantly, I'd say their better accuracy/aim time is a positive thing, helping to remove some of the RNG in the class.

What I hate - I really really dislike the accuracy changes. It is so frustrating to miss fully aimed shots that should hit. I played the T110E4, now with 0.4 accuracy (worse aim time/accuracy than the FV215b 183....), and it is just not fun to play. Maus now reigns supreme and it's very difficult to hit weakspots now.

The arty 'stun' is way too long and should be reduced to 5-10 seconds or ideally removed all together. I found that arty was possibly even more annoying than normal and I played just as defensively to avoid it. The huge splash increase also means that certain arty safe spots (for example, a rock in an aggressive position) are no long so. You can be perma-stunned. Again, watching QB - he played the Maus on Prok and managed to survive much longer than normal despite being focused by all 3 arty. However, the whole time stunned and moving at a snail's-pace in the open. So better survivability against arty but far more frustrating and less fun overall.

Other issues - I had plenty of ghost shells, at one point I had 3 absolutely certain ghost shells in a row. The map rotation is very limited and often gives Prok with 3-4 arties. In a E100/T110E4, it doesn't really let me test the changes, except to experience arty changes over and over again.

Overall, I'm glad they've made radical changes. There are a few good ideas to take forward and some dud ones that need to be dropped. Of course that's the point of the Sandbox

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