Saw this in Denver, thought you all would enjoy

Weed literally has those same effects

Done! You should not use literally unless you mean literally. If you say literally, then spell out the differences between the two things you are comparing then literally is the wrong word.

I know this is some grammar Nazi BS from me. And I apologize. But as a group in the very near future I think it is going to be very important that we do not do the same thing those in government have done when they write about Marijuana and its effects. And that is make shit up because they believe they know the effects of Marijuana and not really know. Read the data in the link about driving while high it is important that we keep to the facts. It is very important that if we are concerned about public safety that we address this issue with as much factual data as possible. Because peoples lives are going to be on the line. And not just those sharing the road with drivers that are high. States are going to use those Mobile saliva tests, and people like those in this thread that choose to drive while under the influence or that wait until they no longer feel the affects might have to use facts to keep themselves from facing fines, and possible jail time.

Believing that driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol is "Literally" the same thing is going to pose real legal danger.

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