Sean Murray tried to warn us in his last AMA: "When ever devs are tight lipped, it's usually because they are under contract and legally can't say anything."

I don't know about anyone else, but I am not as agitated by any of the tight lip sentiment.

What does agitate me are the interviews that go as follows:

Interviewer: So there is going to be multiplayer?

Sean: "Yes"

Interviewer: "So will we be able to see what we look like?"

Sean: "No, the only way to see what you look like is for another player to see you"

That's not tight lipped. That's somewhere in a spectrum ranging from misleading to blatantly false, and it makes me not like this guy or his company very much right now.

Then I read all the quotes about what seems like just pure BS. Like how to change the sky green they had to recreate a table of elements because they were refracting light through elements, or how Sean specifically said upon warping "you might think that's a loading screen. But it's not" even though it takes the same time to go 100ly as it does to go 1000.

I like the game right now. I just do not feel good about a guy and his company when they seem to think they can tell me whatever sounds good about the tech in the game or how they made it, when it simply isn't that.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread