Swag Bag Friday (March 07, 2015)


Big week! Mostly cause a package showed up just this morning.


Hawkguy Vol. 1

Good stuff. Liked the minimalist art. Seemed like Hawkguy spent half the book unconscious though. I liked Kate enough to order the Young Avengers omnibus after reading this. I'm irritated that the second hardcover isn't supposed to come out till like September when the omnibus is coming out in the summer. Thanks Earth 616 Obama.


Saga Vol 1-4

Read volumes one and two, and immediately ordered the second pair, which showed up today. Love the space fantasy. My body is so ready for more.

Captain Marvel Vol. 1: In Pursuit Of Flight

I dug this a lot, especially the issues illustrated by Dexter Soy. Most time travel stories are very cerebral but DeConnick does a good job of showing how time travel can be experienced by a brawler rather than a thinker- someone who moves and acts in intuitive strokes. Psyched for the next volume.

Deadpool Vol. 1: Dead Presidents

There's a point in here where Abraham Lincoln calls Deadpool unfunny and over hyped. That'd be more self aware if this book had given me any reason to disagree.

The Wicked + The Divine Vol 1: The Faust Act

I was pretty stoked to get this trade after reading the first volume and being totally mesmerized by it and Lucifer. Mm, Lucifer.

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1: Getting The Band Back Together

Everyone says this is funny. Hoping it fills the void Deadpool didn't.

Single Issues

Spider-Gwen #1

I really wish the comic shop had Edge of Spider Verse #2. That would have provided some appreciated context. The art is nice, but it'll take time to see if this story has legs.

Astro City: Local Heroes #1-5 and Special

I had been meaning to try Astro City and found this entire arc bagged and boarded at the thrift store. Someone who really loved these must have dropped them off. It's a great arc to start someone into this universe in my opinion so I lucked out, and every issue delivers a complete one shot experience (except 4 and 5 which is a two part arc). Good stuff. Would recommend.

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