Seeking Advice: Should I stay or should I go?

Chemist Here. You certainly don’t need a PhD to go in industry. Most don’t have one. It will start you at a higher pay grade and your opportunities will be better. However, you can go just as high with a bachelors and good work ethic.

I will say that the “real world” (non-academic, industry) is no cake walk. You will Encounter the same issues in different forms, that you did in graduate school. The work can be grueling and as a BS scientist you will likely be doing straight bench work for 8 hours a day. If you want a PhD, I’d recommend figuring out how to stick it out. Personality issues are everywhere and the older you get the less you’ll care. You’ll figure it out. If it’s truly that bad and you don’t want the degree, then just enter the workforce. There are a million opportunities (just don’t expect the issues with personnel to go anywhere).

/r/GradSchool Thread