Seeking Boston Area Medium for TV Show

You'll want to make sure you're clear about what the show includes and how the medium will be portrayed. The business of mediumship for me anyways has been a journey of image-management. I try to steer away from anything spooky, ghostly, haunted or occult. Im more about the spiritual/emotional aspects of mediumship, even therapeutic. I was approached for a TV show similar to the project you're working on, and I was so conflicted before eventually turning it down and recommending another medium I knew who was more into ghost-hunting. I was afraid my client base would start to turn away from grieving family members who I could help heal, to paranormal enthusiasts. And then I'd hate my job. BUT...from my experiences, there's more psychics and mediums out there who are into exactly what your looking for. So don't give up your search! It shouldn't be long before you can find someone who is both good and would love to be on a show like this! Try looking up holistic/New Age shops in the area, and seeing if they can recommend someone. There's usually a network like that.

/r/Mediums Thread