Microdosing psilocybin.

I’m a 19yr old Male, 5’10 140lbs, and I’ve been microdosing psilocybin every 3 days for a few weeks now to help with Anxiety, ADHD, brain fog, quit bad habits and to improve/maximize my potential in general. I can say I’ve already noticed improvements in my everyday life. Today I started journaling my experience so I can see my progression more clearly. I also started properly weighing how much I take so I can find the exact dose that works for me. Personally it seems .07gs is perfect for me. I would recommend starting at .05gs and increasing at .01g increments until you find the amount that you’re satisfied with. I also would recommend journaling each microdose because it seems to help. I wish you the best on your journey :)

/r/microdosing Thread