Semi retirement can be as cheap as $5000 or less. Back roads and odd jobs till I bite the dust! Money isn’t terribly important when you don’t have bills or a mortgage.

Here's my take- you grew up with enough money and privelege that you don't have to worry about your family, or taking care of your folks / siblings, and if shit ever hits the fan you're fine. Based on your lack of a real budget / transparency that continues to be true, you have a financial safety net that you were born into that lets you live this lifestyle.

You have never been truly poor, and you never will be so you don't have to wrestle with the anxiety / realities of that.

I'm a big time climber, and there's a lot of people like you, who are supported by their parents. I respect the ones who own it when they're interviewed on the Enormocast.

The vagueness on your part, and dishonesty is kind of lame. You're presenting a false image of what's possible. And maybe you're blind to your own privelege that allows this, or maybe you're not, but not owning it isn't impressing anyone, especially those of us who are savvy enough to see what's up

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