Sen. Elizabeth Warren calls for removal of all 12 Wells Fargo board members

Are you talking about her friends at the federal reserve?

No, I'm talking about her actively trying to prevent future bailouts...and the GOP shooting down that bill!

Like the $16 trillion in corporate welfare handouts by her friends at the federal reserve?

Which isn't her fault. She's not responsible for the loan shark industry! But she's actively fighting them...which makes her one of only a handful of people in congress doing so.

So she's opposing the federal reserve and their trillions of dollars in free handouts for millionaires and billionaires? Or is she just running a side circus show to distract people?

As for her voting against that audit bill, she voted against it because that very bill would have given more influence of politics over monetary policy.

Politics... like the American people knowing which millionaires and billionaires are getting free handouts from her freinds at the federal reserve. Because that would be a big influencer on their monetary policy. As involved as they are in corrupting politics, its understandable they would want to operate in secrecy.

Monetary policy should be decided based on economics and facts, not partisan politics.

Thats not whats happening and Elizabeth Warren is a very convenient part of that problem.

Also, she's repeatedly called for fed audits and more oversight!

Like her opposing the audit of the federal reserve? Because that's about when rational America realized how much of a hack she was.

And either way, she's still muuuuuch better at draining the swamp than that lying sack of orange shit who wants to defund the consumer protection bureau that has helped millions of people.

Elizabeth Warren's personal taxpayer funded wonk army shouldnt exist in the first place. Of course it should be defunded, along with that joke of a charlatan getting booted out of office already.

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