Just found out my wife is pregnant. Insurance or no?

Yes, you should get health insurance. Why? Because you should purchase insurance for things that could financially devastate you. Usually this means auto, home, health, and term life insurance (if your spouse and family is dependent on your salary.) This will vary from person to person. You might feel comfortable absorbing expenses up to $5000, I might only feel comfortable with unexpected expenses less than $2000, and /u/Huffiebadger might feel comfortable with

First off, I think you might misunderstand how family deductibles work. Each individual in the family has a personal deductible that they have to meet, so it's probably $6500 per person, since there are two of you. Once her personal deductible is met, then insurance will kick in. Source

Since you're having a baby, you'll be better off purchasing a higher premium/lower deductible plan, though I don't think the $6500 deductible is unreasonable. You can always switch plans next year to a lower premium/higher deductible plan, but since you have a planned healthcare expense this year, it makes more sense to pay more toward the premium to get a smaller deductible.

Now, that isn't so bad but there is a $13,000 deductible, which I think is insane. I can't imagine a pregnancy racking up those numbers.

I chuckled a little at this one. Going to the hospital is like getting in a taxi and only the driver knows where you're headed. The meter starts running, you're traveling down the highway at 70 mph, and you're just watching the numbers go up because you can't exactly open the door and get out until you reach your destination.

How much does it really cost to have a baby? It may surprise you how much the bill can vary. A recent University of California, San Francisco study found that the cost of uncomplicated vaginal births in California varied between hospitals by as much as $34,000, ranging from $3,296 to $37,227 for on-site hospital costs. Source

Even if the best case scenario occurs, you're still better off having health insurance because most of her prenatal care and diagnostic tests, such as ultrasounds, will be covered as preventive care. (You may need to make a small copay, though.)

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