[Serious]How come "homosexuality is not a choice" but pedophilia is?

maybe if you have a shre of decency you'll apoogise for just insinuating that I was a paedophile, I know this is reddit, but fuck. as for questions, maybe you'll answer mine:

Do you know the difference between for instance, a normative and a descriptive statement? you seem to have hopelessly confounded the two

Are you putting the discomfort of pedophiles above the rape of children, you fucking twit?

no and where are you even getting that from? I'm getting that logic is not your strong suite but

What's next? Saying that kidnapping is bad, so putting rapists in jail shouldn't happen, because, you know, it's basically the same thing

I don't know what that's supposed to mean, maybe if you expressed it better I would answer.


and that constitutes a methodological difference how, exactly? it does not, of course. When Ronaldo plays soccer it's a different game to when a non-professional plays? nope.

and anyway, you're misunderstaning me. I don't care what the difference in treatment is or might happen to be, I'm saying in principle, if I am a fully-qualified trained professional and I want to rid a gay person of gayness and a paedophile of paedophilia, what would I do differently in approaching each situation? The point being, it doesn't seem like there would be any difference at all and the same approach is applicable to both scenarios.

Therefore, it is incoherent to say that one is inherently wrong or categorically unacceptable (read the words before you explode about raping children again) and not the other. And this is simply pointing out an inconsistency, you will not glean anything of what I think is right from what I have said because I have not expressed it. Descriptive, see?

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