[Serious] If you could ensure prevention of abuse/injury of children (issues of consent, manipulation, sexual trauma, dealt with via child sex dolls or whatever), then isn't there no difference between homosexuality, transsexuality, and pedophilia?

Humans have definitely not evolved past biological continuation. Humans who don't procreate 1) cannot due to limited resources 2) cannot find a mate willing to breed with them 3) are stuck in a childish phase of mental development 4) have severe childhood trauma they are unaware of

No one thinks they are traumatized, but many people are. If you understood your trauma then you wouldn't be traumatized anymore. If you are literally repulsed by children or the idea of having children then you probably have extreme trauma of some form, the need to reproduce is literally the strongest urge we have next to staying alive, and when you have kids, their lives supersede yours, which is why most parents would die for their children.

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