[Serious] I'm starting to lose my mind, I really need help e.e

first of all; Welcome to your teenager years.

Since you're new to this, I'll hold your hand a little and give you a bit of a tutorial on what's in store for the next few years. The next few years are going to be a little tough on you, for the main reason being you're at the bottom of the social hierarchy at school. older kids are going to look down on you when you say negative things (for instance "I have no friends", "I just want to die.") because we all went through that ourselves and hate to look back on it. Instead of explaining that these are normal emotions amplified by the introduction of your hormones (puberty is a bitch) your sister is laughing at you because she finds it funny (which is not on, especially for a sibling).

At the start of puberty, and going back on your posts on reddit, you're going through what I call the Freshman stage. This is where you're loud, say stale jokes, watch 'Let's Play YouTubers' religiously and listen to edgy music (I saw you're enjoying Linkin Park). I went through the exact same thing dude, don't worry about it. Just don't let these aspects have a large affect on you. Being too loud and 'Random' is what (in my opinion) is pushing people away from you.

When you get up in the morning, go to the mirror and take a deep breath in and place your palm on your heart beat until it slows down, then smile at yourself in the mirror. Relax, take the trip to school one step at a time. When you walk into class, do the same thing at the beginning, middle and ending.

I'm not saying to not be you, nah that's horrible advice, i'm telling you to take it down a notch and chill out a bit.

Let's get onto a huge red flag I have about this post; your relationship with your parents. "I don't want my parents to find out because I feel like they would disown me or use that fact against me" If your parents have put you first before anything, then they would never do that to you. If you're not comfortable yet to ask for help with your parents, go to the councilor.

Tell them that you're lonely, upset and don't know what to do. The only reason why they'd tell anyone anything without your permission if it put your life at risk, or someone elses. Explain this situation to the councilor as soon as you can, that's the number one goal here. OR if you're in australia I'd highly suggest calling 1800 55 1800 which is Kids Help Line.

Good luck, don't let this thing wait.

/r/teenagers Thread