Putin humiliated as Ukraine boasts of 3,500 killed and 200 captured - '100% under control' Link Inside

My "instince" tells me either I'm either speaking with a bot, or your level of English is that of a 3rd grade school-boy.

Do you mean...instincts?

Agree to disagree?

Going by your username, I am assuming and too stupid to fight in the Gulf, so what is it? Scared of the boogeyman Putin?

Hank Hill: "Damnit Bobby, you got an F in English? You speak English!"

If you had the reading comprehension of a 13-year old you would have understood that I smell the bullshit when I am implying that Russia can't afford to even throw a fucking rock at Ukraine, let alone launch and sustain a full-scale invasion , plus (assuming) occupation & rebuilding efforts thereafter.

Educate yourself Cleetus. Here are some courses to get you started.

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