[serious] People who dropped out of an educational program, what made you do it? What happened after? Do you regret or not?

I had a 3.8 GPA in High School and was accepted into a local University. I started drinking alcohol for the first time with my new roommate. We would drink, heavily, almost every night. I would tell myself I can skip a class here and there, won't be a problem. I kept missing more and more days. I ended my first semester with 2 incompletes, 1 D+, and 1 C-. I was put on academic probation for the following semester. I didn't tell my parents about it because I didn't want them to think I all of a sudden became a failure. The next semester starts and I have even less motivation to go to class. I start drinking even more, and do my best to pretend college doesn't exist. I didn't complete a single class that semester and was put on suspension. Since I became good friends with my roommate, we got an apartment together, after summer break, nearby the University to avoid Dorm Rooms, plus my suspension would only last one semester.

My parents found out about the suspension and were livid. They said I would need to spend my days working to compensate not going to school until the suspension ended. That semester was spent with me working at a crappy retail job while drinking and playing games non-stop.

I drank so much my girlfriend started to get concerned about it and told me to stop. I started lying to her that I stopped drinking. One day she showed up at our apartment to surprise me, and of course I was already drunk. She was horribly disappointed and pissed which led to a long fight. She stormed out of the apartment and took off back to her own college. I spent that night drinking more and just crying. I didn't know where I was going with my life and I felt like I was starting to spiral downward.

The next day my roommate started to act really distant and hiding his phone from me. When he had left to go to the bathroom, I noticed he left his phone behind. I decided to see what was going on and opened his messages, and then I see he has been talking to my girlfriend. They were saying how excited they were for my roommate to stay the night with her, and how much they like each other. I felt like I was just punched in the gut. Nothing made sense anymore. I called an old friend from my hometown and asked if he can help me get the fuck out of here. He showed up 2 hours later, helped me pack up the small, important shit, and we left.

I haven't been back to school ever since that happened.

Epilogue; 6 years later, I have a great stable desk job making much more than I deserve, living in a downtown loft with my beautiful girlfriend. I couldn't be happier. My roommate and ex-girlfriend have since gotten married and now have a kid together.

I think it worked out best for everyone and I am still paying my parents back for the money they wasted on me going to college. But I am definitely a better person because of it.

/r/AskReddit Thread