[Serious] To those of you who were in a Serious Relationship and were Cheated on for the first time: How did it change you as a person? Did it continue to affect how you behaved in future relationships?

It was kind of funny, because she TRIED to cheat on me, but she failed miserably. I honestly look back on it as a positive and funny experience.

I had girlfriends in high school but none of them were serious in the slightest, just kind of saw them as random smells on my fingers.

When I hit college I started dating a girl and decided I wanted to make it a serious relationship. I noticed from the get-go how flirty she was, which didn't really bother me, as I'm not the jealous type. Besides, everyone flirts to a degree. Flirting is part of socializing. I don't care who you are, everyone flirts here and there, at least a little bit. She was a bit overly flirtatious, though.

So a little later in the relationship I start suspecting she is having thoughts and desires for other guys, but every time I ask her and go to end the relationship amicably, she just SWEARS to me that is not the case.

One day one of my best friends calls me (I have literally known him since before kindergarten) and tells me my girlfriend is trying to come onto him.

She had seen him in the lunchroom getting some food, came and sat down next to him. He didn't think much of it, just started talking to her like a friend. At some point she started coming onto him. The exchange, as I remember his version, went something like this:

Her: We should go hang out in your room.

Him: Huh?

Her: Your room. We should go.

Him: You're dating my best friend.

Her: Well I might not be dating him forever. Maybe I'm into you.

Him: Are you fucking insane?

Her: What?

Him: Do you really think I'm not going to tell him that you're trying to come onto me? I've known him my whole life.

So he called me and AS HE'S TALKING to me on my phone, she's trying to call in, leaving voice messages on my phone telling me it's not true.

At the end of the day I just explained to her that she (someone I had known less than a year) was not going to win my trust over someone I had known my entire life, and I broke it off with her.

Had a few beers with my buddy that night and watched Evil Dead 2. All in all, not a bad day.

/r/AskReddit Thread