(Serious) What is the creepiest or most unexplained thing that’s happened to you that you still think and/or wonder about to this day?

This is not a particular crazy story, but it's fairly recent and confusing.

One evening last year, while at work, I started getting the most intense pain in my abdomen. I was wondering if it's something I ate, but I hadn't had anything out of the ordinary, I'd drunk plenty of water. It got so bad that I almost couldn't walk the short 15 minute route home, it was as if there were something sharp in my gut. I got home and went straight to bed - I didn't need to use the toilet or pass gas, nothing. Overnight the pain just subsided as I slept. It was strange, as I am generally very healthy, have a very good diet and have never had any problem like this before or since.

The next morning I found out from my dad that my aunt had passed away at around that time.

/r/AskReddit Thread