[Serious] What do you do when you feel utterly alone, and how do you make it stop?

I force myself to do something, anything, to stay busy, something that will make myself somewhat happy. Lonely and depressed are pretty synonymous, atleast for me. Reading, watching an addictive TV show, riding a bike, doodling, coloring, making jewelry, baking, upcycling something that would be in the trash and making it useful or decorative, going to an antique same, thrift shop, the marina, grabbing a coffee at a cafe in town, discovering anything, venturing out to somewhere in my hometown where I've always wanted to go but never have been, making a movie or lyric video, downloading new music, doing some graphic design, cleaning, waking on the treadmill, play with dogs, responding to posts on Reddit, reading unsolved mysteries and other articles asking those lines. I'm alone while doing these things, but content, and that puts me at ease.

And then there's socialization. You can feel lonely even if you're not alone, and that really is one of the most stomach twisting feelings. I try and get jobs, look on Craigslist for one time paying gigs, volunteer, simply go out in public, join in on a conversation while in a group to feel included, look on meetup. Com for anything that I can join, check the local rec center for classes or intermurals, chat up a barista, call a family member for lunch, talk to people on Reddit or in a specific Facebook group, play a video game where you can talk to who you're playing through a headset, get a dating profile, pretty much go anywhere that I like and talk to a worker there for another guest. If we share the same interest we will have something that will make us feel connected, and that's a big part of loneliness.

And then I hope it's time to see my boyfriend because he makes everything better. So does being with my mom. Oh, and i highly recommend not going on Facebook, it'll only make you feel lonelier when you scroll through other people trying to feed their ego.

/r/AskReddit Thread