(Serious) what’s something that mentally and/or emotionally broke you?

Finding out that my husband of 9 years had been cheating on me with his coworker on and off for 4 years (she knew about me). We had a daughter 2 years ago and he began seeing his coworker again when our daughter was 6 months old. It hurts more knowing that even after I became a mom he still didn’t respect me enough. He would bring her into our home after he would drop our daughter off for childcare on his days off. When I found out I was completely blindsided, I had absolutely no idea that he was even capable of this. We have been together and best friends for 17 years. It hurts deeply. He says he’s sorry of course, loves me, wants to make it work… but I can’t get over the fact that it went on for so long and that he brought her into our home. I feel so violated. I have night terrors, trouble eating and sleeping still. It’s been 4 months since I found out.

/r/AskReddit Thread