[Serious] What stole your joy? Why do you not have the same zest for life that you once did?

Number of men in political positions (and other positions of power) compared to women, as a start.

Then you can look into various kinds of implicit biases and group dynamics, etc. For example, female applicants being viewed as less qualified compared to male applicants, based on the exact same credentials. Or women having a harder time being heard in a group, while also being perceived as more talkative than reality. Etc. Etc.

Or there are the more direct examples. For example, legislation that forces women to give birth to children they don't want, even when their lives are at risk. Or roadblocks to bodily autonomy, such as accessibility to hysterectomies and other procedures. Reproductive justice is a whole topic in and of itself (and definitely not limited to just abortion.)

Then you have cultural values that are harmful. For example, the expectation that women should desire children. Or that in the case of divorce, the mother should always gain custody as if that was the expected role. Or the value that men are considered "weak" or "feminine" for expressing emotions or even just asking for help. Another cultural value that is a big issue is the perspective that men are lucky/powerful for having sex, even when they are raped. And likewise, that men should just put up with domestic abuse because they are men. Dumb stuff like that.

Differences in valuing work is also worth mentioning. Women with careers are seen as less valuable/capable (tying into implicit biases), while they are also expected to do most of the house work regardless if they have another job or not. And the work of raising a child is extremely undervalued and underappreciated, as if there is the assumption that women will focus on childcare and men will focus on working...when really, both parents should be given parental leave and given the support they need.

There is the issue of a LOT of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Especially in places like college campuses. Entire books can be written on the topic of rape culture.

Incels, porn addiction, belief that women owe men sex, and a bunch of other related things.

I'm probably forgetting a few things, but that is a decent overview that demonstrates the tip of the iceberg.

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