[SERIOUS] What's your story?

Like half-year ago or two i randomly get in a chat room in league, there was this "Lee Singa" guy, idk why but we speaked a little bit and then he invited me to his team, i was a silver 3 mid/support main, but they already had this plat guy in midlane so i always went sona support, it was nice to play with them, but i was afraid of the plat guy, the 13 years old me thought that the higher elo guys where like really serious guys and probably did not wanted to waste time with lower elo players.

Hopefully i was wrong, one day i asked him for tips in midlane, i thoght he was going to be like what i described, but nope, he was a really cool guy, he gave a lot of tips for lane, also we went into a custom game and do some 1v1 so he could help me with some micro things in laning phase, etc.

At that time i really admired him, he played with some high elo players, and with some actual pro's from LAS server,

I dont know when but we started to talk more, he introduced me to reddit too, and we had been talking like every week from the last year or 2, one of the few friends i have, a really good friend, sadly he dont play too much ranked, he could had been really good, but he is going to uni this year and probably that is way more important, i hope the best for him <3 and i also hope he dont read this post lmao

That was one of the storys i have had, i had actually improved, plat 1 currently and i keep improving, hopefully hit masters/chall this year.

Thank you Matias for helping me in the game and more important, becoming a really good friend <3 (is going to be so akwardly funny when he read this, and sorry for my english, not native speaker, thanks for reading, im currently enjoying some storys in the post and getting sad with some of them T-T)

/r/leagueoflegends Thread