[shitpost] This is the best subreddit in the world, and you all are the best people I've had the honor to know!

With one voice we will cry out and the heavens will move, the earth will shutter, and the wicked will be exposed. The darkest days may yet be coming. You are at the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of millions us, the weak and angry, the tired and restless. You are there because you are the vanguard, the first of many.

Though we may lose the election to fraud, we all know Hillary is capable, we have made more progression in one year towards true freedom than the previous 100 combined. The corruption has been exposed and we will see justice. The laws of this nation prevent its citizens and inhabitants from provoking anyone into an armed rebellion. Because of that, I can't tell you someone will organize an armed rebellion and that you should join. I can't tell you we will march on Washington by the millions...10...20 million people protesting. I can't tell you that it may not happen in our lifetimes but these monsters will surrender our nation to freedom. I can't tell you that it may happen in your lifetime. I can't tell you your government is a fraud extorting trillions of dollars and murdering millions. I can't tell you these monsters will surrender our nation to peace. I can't tell you these thing because it's a crime.

When they open the gates of hell and the rule of law doesnt apply, I'll tell you then.

/r/The_Donald Thread