Shy/introverted people of Reddit: what is the furthest you’ve ever gone to avoid human interaction?

I lived in a 4 bedroom suite towards the end of college and kept myself locked in my bedroom most of the time. Well, two of my roommates were big partiers, and decided to have a huge party without even letting me know. I was 21 but they were minors. They didn’t realise I was home because I was so quiet and my door was closed. More and more people came in until it was a loud typical college party. i kept thinking I should go out there and make myself known but I was so nervous I just stayed mouse quit and also had to hold any pee in since the bathroom was outside my bedroom. Well our RA lived across the hall and knocked on the front door due to noise and saw the beer cans. They came in and wrote down names etc and found all the kids hiding in the bathrooms and closets. Then they knocked on my door and I heard my roommate say “she’s not home!” But I answered, in my godamn fleecey cloud PJs and everyone was shocked/amused, didn’t even know I was there. To this day it makes me cringe.

/r/AskReddit Thread