The size difference in a Rod teen and a Keller.

Jill isn't exactly good at taking photos for the 'gram, but they're not normally this terrible. Bet she was asked not to take any more photos during 'family devotional time', but she just HAS to show everyone how close she and her kids are to ANNA DUGGAR'S FAMILY at every opportunity. So she took this picture on the sly, thinking she wasn't going to get caught, without realising that the jig would be up the minute she put it online.

Unless the Instagram Kellers all have Jill muted or something. Don't know if you can do that on Instagram, but if you can, you sure as shit wouldn't want to be seeing Jill posting PRECIOUS NURIE AND THE NOT-NURIES every six minutes all day long.

/r/FundieSnark Thread Link -