Ladies and Gents, please remove your ballcaps and rise for the Anthym

I was born with blue eyes as was most of my family, from bright to slate. Yes, babies can be born with grey eyes too that can turn blue. But that doesn’t mean that blue eyed babies never have blue eyes right away.


Among 192 subjects screened in the first year of the NEST study with external images of appropriate quality for visualization of the irides, the birth prevalence of iris colour was 63.0% brown, 20.8% blue, 5.7% green/hazel, 9.9% indeterminate and 0.5% partial heterochromia

You can literally google image search “newborns blue eyes” and tons of results will show up if you need a visual.

Caucasian babies are usually born with dark blue or even slate-gray eyes that may change several times before the first birthday this link has a pic.

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