Skrillex, Calvin Harris, More Confirmed for Ultra's Show-Stopping Debut Festival In Abu Dhabi

As an American, I'm baffled by the level of social signalling and disinterest in western nations' disgusting atrocities but when it comes to the UAE everyone's a human rights activist.

The states have disproportionately abused people of color for generations. With black and brown people being murdered over and over and over by police. The prison industrial complex alone has a population larger than most countries. And has been proven to be corrupt and racist. You know, like an administration bombing in the middle east and hiring a company their friend owns which they have stock in to "rebuild" what they destroyed. Haven't heard anyone say ohhhhhh don't perform in America.

How about reparations from the British to their former colonies? Nahhhhh. How about not buying electronics from China which are committing genocide NOW and using slave labor throughout Africa to mine material for smartphones and computers? Nooooo. But I gotta post on Reddit Bro.

Fuck out of here with this cherry-picked outrage. If you aren't raising hell about western nations doing fucked up things and requesting people boycott then shut up.

/r/festivals Thread Link -