Skyrim Modding Contest 1: Build A Home!

Clearsky Hideout Entry – Booted from Player Home Contest

Tldr: The spirit of the contest is tainted

Not sure if you all noticed that one of the entrants into the contest was deleted due to pressure from other contestants. Here are the facts:

On 2/28/15, TerrorFox invited Hoamaii to enter Clearsky for the contest by posting a note at the Nexus forum.

Turns out Hoamaii had received a few suggestions from users to enter, and even one from another contest participant saying “I don't think its eligible if it was more than half done before the contest started". (There is nothing about “half done” in the rules…)

On 3/6/15 I messaged TerrorFox asking him to resolve the confusion as to whether or not this mod was eligible. “I’ll PM him on Nexus and tell him he’s absolutely allowed to enter” was the response. And TerrorFox did indeed reconfirm to Hoamaii that the mod was acceptable.

On 3/8/15 Clearsky was entered on the contest entry thread.

On 3/10/15 it was deleted by TerrorFox.

I asked TerrorFox why, and he advised that there was an outcry from the other contestants because this mod author had started working on the home well before the competition started. This is true. It is also true that another prominent player-home-modder had asked if they could finish a house which they had started previously. This was approved without question or further detail publicly offered. (Sounds like there are different rules for different people).

As for the rules, they are, strangely worded. What is clear though is they say to PM TerrorFox if you are unsure. This was done, and approval was given.

I don’t think TerrorFox will disagree that he made a mistake. Maybe that mistake was inviting Clearsky, or maybe, his mistake was not getting approval first from a few specific contestants. But removing Clearsky did not fix that mistake (if it was one), it was another mistake.

So, what now?

I think there is at least one contestant that should withdraw. Even if this person in the end didn’t use the previously-somewhat-completed mod for the competition, they should withdraw to remove any question.

I think any if any contestants conspired to pressure TerrorFox to have Clearsky removed, they should withdraw.

I think anyone that doesn’t want to “have blood on their hands” should withdraw their entry.

Besides all that, it looks like the contest is shaping up nicely, ehh? I think we are just waiting for the voting instructions…

/r/skyrimmods Thread