Reddit, why did you take the longest shower of your life?

(Disability support worker here) tldr; I got the poo on me

At the pool with eight clients and one other worker - isn't the client to worker ratio fantastic?

A client in the water suddenly had severe diarrhoea, so working as fast as we could we evacuated the pool. However this didn't stop a client from splashing brown water everywhere, nor a different client from tasting the water.

Once everyone else was out, I had to jump back in and retrieve the sick client. He had difficulty walking and in the confusion of everything clings onto me like a koala-bear as we walk towards the ramp.

The Diarrhoea didn't stop though, and once his butt was out of the water large chunks of shit began to fall out of his bathing suit. The chunks were big enough to splash onto the ground, causing smaller pieces to bounce around and land on my feet / lower legs.

As I was walking this client to the bathroom, I didn't notice that he stuck one of his hands down the back of his pants... he then smeared that shit covered hand onto my arm, and attempted to touch my face but missed and got shit in my hair. At this point I felt like I was on the verge of crying.

The other worker was busy with the seven other clients; getting them washed, dressed and dried. So I wasn't in a position to leave the client on his own. Once we were in the change room I took him straight to to shower and used the removable shower head on full blast to remove the shit and send it down the drainpipe as fast at I could, occasionally spraying myself to at least get rid of the visible pieces of poo on my body.

After he was washed, dried and dressed I walked him to the bus to meet with the others. They then went for a drive, and I got back into the bathroom and had the longest shower time would allow. I used a concoction of antibacterial hand wash, hand soap and the various shampoos and body washes that other people in the pool donated (after seeing what happened, they all felt really bad for me).

After I was ready and dressed I apologised to the lifeguards on duty and pool manager, they weren't too impressed by what happened but they at least understood that it couldn't be helped. After work, I used the onsite staff shower for a quick wash with antibacterial hand gel. Then after getting home I spent at least 2 hours in the shower, and then soaked in the the tub.

It was weeks before I felt clean again.

/r/AskReddit Thread