Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism | BEST OF 2015

I'm going out on a limb here commenting as I usually don't in this sub but I figured I'd give my input here. Here in America especially, there is A LOT of racial tension, tension between the sexes, and even a huge generational gap. What we are told is to tip toe around these things and try and respect our differences and be very sure not to offend anyone else when we talk to them. In America you almost never meet the kind of individuals who apply correctly what he is talking about. It is a sort of art form in a way, addressing these issues outright, and stepping over them by doing the opposite of what we are generally told. I go to a liberal arts college and it seems we are almost forced into safe spaces, and our speech is controlled as we are not allowed to say many things. Now I also grew up in a small town where there was blatant racism against everyone(non-white), but since my family was not from the area it was explained to me at a very young age how this was nonsense, and I saw the holes in the close minded thinking of bigots, even standing up for people who weren't in my school as it was almost 100% white. So how does one speak in a way that is humanizing, while not being politically correct and not being racist? I like to use the example of a professor I have who is far from politically correct in his lectures, but you can easily tell he is not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable, he just tries to address the tensions always looming over us. He many times makes what could be seen as "racist" jokes, but here is the difference, it is not to push people away from each other, but bring them closer. The idea is a sharing of cultures in a way, much like he says in this video of black people giving you what might be called your "black card" and allowing you to call them nigga. The use of this word by the black community is exactly the kind of example that works. Another example is a white family making fun of their redneck roots, or maybe an Indian and Pakistani making fun of the obvious cultural and national divide between the two. This all requires a deep sense of humor and understanding of other cultures in the first place as you are simply telling the same jokes a group might tell about itself. But what happens is we realize although we come from these distinct cultures each with its own set of stereotypes and even extremes, we find that at the end of it all we are all human beings, and sometimes the best way to overcome the hate is not to ignore it and pretend it does not exist, but to address it immediately to say "hey, we might be different on the outside, but deep down, we're all just a bunch of monkeys on a space rock, so lets not take everything so seriously. Political correctness does not solve any of the underlying problems because the underlying problems are deeply human in nature.

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