Sober people(aside from those who struggled with alcoholism)- what are reasons you stopped drinking?

I went to the Doctor because I was feeling like crap and he said he wanted to do some blood tests to test my liver function and see if my drinking had caused any lasting damage. I was pretty open with him about how much I was drinking and he was pretty concerned. Waiting for my results took a lifetime and I thought about how I had nobody to blame but myself. My results came back and I had not done any lasting damage so my Dr prescribed me some medication to help me quit and im happy to say that this New Years was my second year sober. Im glad I made the change while I could. And now I save the money I would have spent on Vodka and in late 2020 I had enough to buy something I had wanted for a very long time. Never would have been able to afford it if I was drinking

/r/AskReddit Thread