Software development: how would you behave with a woman who ask you for help but spends all day surfing the web/checking social networks/chatting with others instead of working?

The reason it's not bad for a guy, is that guys get to be good and bad due to who they are. If I say "a guy at my work sucks at it", you can probably assume that judgement is based on merit.

Quit being so fucking insecure with yourself that you can't handle the mere mention of a gender.

Nobody will ever think a man is bad because of his gender.

Going to a very PC school, I can tell you this is 100000% wrong.

I've been to conferences with our Vice President, a woman slightly older then me. I lost count of how many times she had to prove she knew her shit, or how many times the other party naturally drifted to focusing on me during conversations, rather then on her, while she's obviously in charge. It's really sad and depressing once you start noticing it.

Something tells me you're manufacturing bullshit in your head to make a point. Maybe that's just who she is?

Some people here need some self confidence, if mentioning the gender is the important thing to you from this post then you need to reevaluate your priorities.

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