My boyfriend is liking girls pictures who are half naked

As someone who struggles with weight, body image etc it’s hard but if it’s bothering you, talk to him. 99% of the time it’s just a misunderstanding of intentions. I bet that he didn’t mean anything by it and I bet that he hasn’t realised how you felt. Clear and honest communication is clear, I at times have felt uncomfy with some posts I’ve seen only to realise meme pages post them. You have to at the same time be master of your own happiness, I’m sure there is a lot of things your boyfriend likes about you. But him liking some girls photo doesn’t and shouldn’t decrease your worth or self esteem. But the main points of it is; 1 communicate how it makes you feel and what you could BOTH do to address this (as maybe ur viewing choices could be making him feel the same way - dudes have unhealthy standards put on them too) 1.2 listen and trust - you can’t approach him to have a conversation without listening to him - he may have never realised how it made you feel - your partner is not a mind reader, nor are they expected to be. So come at the conversation level headed (not angry or annoyed) but calmly - state your facts of how it makes you feel and listen - understand his side without causing a big argument because there is always 2 sides to the story. 2 work on your view of yourself, but one of those beauty reminders for the mirror, set a reminder to go off daily at a set time with an affirmation becsuse you hold your own incredible beauty and him liking another girls photo does not change ur beauty AT ALL!! 3 he is his own person, have you ever told him that an actor is hot? Because he could view that the same but respects your opinion but secretly could be like; damn she said they’re hot and I don’t even have abs so am I not hot to her? - men struggle with this too

Social media is fake, photoshopped and people holding a pose with their stomachs held in… if that brings you down remind urself that you’re exactly where you need to be; within yourself and your body, a double tap on a photo shouldn’t define your worth ever…

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread