My girlfriend is chronically ill and it is dominating our life. I am getting extremely burned out

Okay. I couldn't finish reading all this post right now. But MCAS. MCAS. MCAS.

Look up MCAS. I have it. I've had it since 2011. I react to airborne triggers this year, but was down to 4 foods at my worst. It is notoriously difficult to diagnose because it presents differently in different individuals, most doctors don't even know what it is, and mast cells release hundreds of mediators (only 2-3 are tested for at special laboratories that are very short-lived, so most blood work will come back normal most of the time). The medical gaslighting is real.

You will want to think about a low histamine diet, DAO enzymes before meals, natural mast cell stabilizers like quercetin (if she's not COMT++), vitamin C, etc. Food may have to be frozen if she also has histamine intolerance.

Mast Cells United by Amber Walker is a good start. If you can get a specialist who knows how to treat her, she may want to consider sodium cromolyn.

She needs to reduce her triggers, including stress. Look into vagus nerve exercises. Consider neural retraining programs like the Gupta Program.

Very often mold toxicity and heavy metal poisoning may place a part in the development of MCAS, so you will want to make sure that the living environment is not water damaged. Consider a functional medical practitioner who is aware of how to handle this, since most of us can get badly triggered by heavy-handed detox protocols.

Get a HEPA air purifier, make sure water is filtered, etc. Basically do what you can in her environment to both reduce the toxic load and as what she can in her internal environment to get a handle on her stress levels.

/r/relationships Thread