Somali Pirates VS Ship's Private Security Guards

Show me some sources that proves the US coast guard has done this. Show me just one source that definitively proves the US coast guard has boarded a commercial vessel with the sole intention of stealing everything that ship. I would LOVE to see some sources. If the coast guard has ever boarded a ship without notice, it's because they've received intel that the vessel was doing something illegal such as carrying drugs or trafficking humans. The coast guard has procedures in place that detail exactly what to do if such a vessel is discovered. The coast guard doesn't steal the drugs and women and go back to bace to celebrate like the Somali's would. You really are clueless about this aspect. I had a friend who served missions in the cost guard that involved drug seizures. Unlike Somali pirates they don't seize the drugs and resell them for profit. They didn't hold crews hostage demanding money only to bail after they've got what they wanted. You really don't know what you are talking about. It's pure conjecture.

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