Some angles on Clubhouse and Coastline which should be removed/have better cover to disallow unfair gunfights (more details in the comments)

*Rant alert

Anything that is pixel angle on objects shouldn't be in the game. This game already has a high learning cap. A lot of the map reworks have actually massively gotten rid of this. But there are still quite a few.

If you are getting spawn peek from common angles that are well known then you prob deserved the death.

A lot of parkour (not all of them are easy) also rewards players who have lots of knowledge to get those angles. Not saying parkour should be removed but ubi needs to address what is consider vaultable/jumpable.

You want to increase skill cap more than just learning cap alone in a game otherwise it starts to affect stats like win rate drastically. An example was the ACOG meta back in the day with bullet holes on walls. That was why Rook and Doc had a decent pick/win rate very long ago.

Which begs the question is it the gadget or the gun that is causing the pick and win rate? Yes and no. When ubi looks at win/pick rate they prob can't determine whether the gun fight was fair to begin with such as terrain or the exact situation of both sides nor can they determine the kills contributed in winning the round or if the gadget was even effective in the current situation. All they see is numbers.

strong correlation in good gun > pick rate > win rate or

in Good gadget> pick rate > win rate


Pulse is the perfect balanced operator. Good gadget (wall hacks) should mean weaker gun (Ump).

Does anyone know what is the base line of what is consider a good gun in terms of recoil? Ubi plays with recoil a lill too much. The stats are made for good/above average players.

They should even consider buffing operators rather than nerfing. If Wamai got rid of the same amount of utility that jager could if the attackers decide to rush and didn't have to wait for them to come eventually throughout the round. Remember jager could roam and anchor and Wamai couldn't. If you die as wamai early in a rush with only 2 gadgets caught at most compare to jager who could catch 6 at that time when DEAD. Sure rushing is high risk and high reward but it does happen time to time again. If wamai could drop all his gadgets immediately I shit u not his pick rate/win rate will be as good as jager before jager recoil gun nerf.

IF the meta favors a playstyle the devs need to fix not the operator but a lot of the times is the game mechanics. Ubi can try to nerf an operator but they can't nerf a run and gun monkey ash main. Those filthy brain dead ash mains will go to the next best gun e.g. Zofia > Yana > etc

Make the game like it used to be before....tactics. I swear if Amaru wasn't just a rush a window sorta idea she would be somewhat picked. Imagine if Amaru had a way to tell/device that gave her the intel needed to jump into the window or not. The only way to play as Amaru is rush in and die or have someone drive a drone FOR you in advance to tell you Is safe to secure the "area". How TF are you gonna be able to get a drone in an area before the defenders see it????

There is a difference between power creep and operators who can do the same job but better and "balanced" operator. Bring equity not equality. Example smoke vs warden. They both do the same thing. Stop attacker from being in that "place". Please BUFF warden to have more tactically usage. Smoke can do warden job with way more safety. The only time Warden will work is attackers baiting smokes canisters for a fake plant.

Ubi caters more toward people who have 5 friends to play this game. Or is actually invested in trying to be competitive/ranked. Remember the data of win/pick rate is only relevant to higher elo. When most players are gold/low plat and below. Thus everyone who just wanna have fun. CAN'T.

In conclusion there is many factors that ubi should be going after otherwise the data/stats could be either consider flaw due to inflated or undervalued numbers. And most importantly why does ubi data is implicated onto the casual or not so sweaty peeps?

/r/Rainbow6TTS Thread Link -