Some Melbourne University students hitting peak trans. Anonymously of course.

paul 5 days ago

Give it 20 years and you'll be easily able to define WOMAN as "female walking 3 paces behind man with head covered".

The irony will be they helped bring it about. FlagShare 6PaulJerriGaryLilyLikeReply Peter Peter 6 days ago

Now Poltical Correctness is a University degree? FlagShare 1JerriLikeReply Robert Robert 6 days ago

So "rent-a-crowd" headquarters are having a dilemma with an asterisk, I'm sure Dangerous Dan will lend some guidance! FlagShare 3JerriLilyJaniceLikeReply Ian Ian 6 days ago

What a joke. And here I was thinking that Universities were where our intelligent children went to study. FlagShare 3JerriLilyJaniceLikeReply Luke Luke 6 days ago

Nearly every comment missed that this is the STUDENT UNION and not the University.

We'd still be living in caves or thinking disease was caused by miasmas or that the earth was flat unless some people were willing to question, debate and think outside the accepted norms of the times-pretty much the definition of university. FlagShare LikeReply Rob Rob 6 days ago

@Luke Good to see our thinkers are tackling the big issues FlagShare 1IanLikeReply Luke Luke 6 days ago

Why? Because it isn't a big issue to you it should be ignored?

Not every person can work on a cure for cancer. Sometimes it is the small things that can have great impacts.

Ideas and thinking doesn't always have to have practical uses nor be a money maker.

Who knows, it could be a male student that identifies as female that cures cancer because they felt safe enough attending university where their gender identity didn't limit them but allowed them to move beyond it.

UMSU isn't forcing the world to change or do anything. They are just changing their own little corner and perhaps helping someone out.

In a day's time most commenters on this will have forgotten all about the issue and moved on. Perhaps someone else will be empowered by it and do something that impacts your life much more deeply in the future. FlagShare LikeReply Frank Frank 6 days ago

looks like these feminists and other weirdos are trying to make all people just one sex, thanks that they can not change the law of nature FlagShare LikeReply Gary Gary 6 days ago

Many comments treat this as a joke. I wish it was. Those who major in this twaddle and who actually manage to get a job, end up in taxpayer funder positions and then proceed to grow their little empires and exert their influence in, say, the education department, and end up influencing our kids. No Joke and not funny at all. FlagShare 8JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Don Don 6 days ago

And they expect us to provide them with free education. Not a chance. FlagShare 5JerriJensMargaretPaulineLikeReply Blinky Bill Blinky Bill 7 days ago

The leaders of the future these people!!!! FlagShare 4JerriIanPaulineHelenLikeReply Dan Dan 7 days ago

Three words for these people: Get. A. Job. FlagShare 4JerriMargaretPaulineHelenLikeReply Andy Andy 7 days ago

do they also dislike the word "female"? it has male in it... what a bunch of idiots FlagShare 5JerriIanMargaretPaulineLikeReply Lyn Lyn 6 days ago

@Andy Womb and man becomes woman. FlagShare 3JerrimichaelPaulineLikeReply Glenn Glenn 5 days ago

Human contains man....aaaaaah! FlagShare LikeReply Rob Rob 7 days ago

Is there a men's department in which only men can participate? Or is that sexist? FlagShare 9JerriSamMargaretPaulineLikeReply Bob Bob 7 days ago

Care factor? FlagShare 3PaulineLilyDavidhLikeReply David David 7 days ago

Really..................Am I missing something? FlagShare 4JerriPaulineHelenDavidhLikeReply Lily Lily 7 days ago

@David You're not a loony? FlagShare 1JerriLikeReply Kieron Kieron 6 days ago

To be honest David I'm missing everything here.????. FlagShare 1JerriLikeReply Robert Robert 7 days ago

So taxpayers pour in a bucket load of money each year to universities so that these so-called "students" can waffle on with this sort of rubbish. Those that are arguing about this idiocy should be required to do a basic English grammar course so that they can actually understand the language they are trying to change. Of course understanding anything could well be beyond their ability, such as it is. FlagShare 20JerriJensIanMargaretLikeReply Tracey Tracey 7 days ago

Why do we have these so called 'intellectuals' and academics in charge of the impressionable minds of young adults? They really think they can justify and link everything. So the inclusion and support of transgender women affects female victims of violence and discrimination? Seriously - get out into the real world. FlagShare 17JerriJensSamPaulineLikeReply Jody Jody 7 days ago

I'm glad I'm just a self confessed Crazy Cat Lady. And I watch Game of Thrones for the naked men. FlagShare 9JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Josh Josh 7 days ago

How much cash are we wasting no this loony no idea of no importance rubbish.

Yet students are finishing and passing university who cannot read, write or handle basic numeracy let alone any professional skills.
FlagShare 14JerriJensSamIanLikeReply Leslie Leslie 7 days ago

Hahahaha, this is comedy gold. BTW what about the term Human? Do they have a problem with that? FlagShare 19JerriIanPaulineGaryLikeReply Peter Peter 7 days ago

@Leslie Hum*n... LOL. FlagShare 10JerriPaulineAlanBlinky BillLikeReply Darren Darren 7 days ago

Jesus Christ. I have two degrees from this university. Wish I'd gone somewhere else now. FlagShare 7JerriSamPaulinecourtnayLikeReply Haig Haig 7 days ago

They are all the same, and it will get worse if labor and greens enter into a relationship FlagShare 9JerriMargaretPaulineHelenLikeReply James James 7 days ago

@Haig What do you mean "IF". FlagShare 4JerriMargaretPaulineBlinky BillLikeReply Mitch Mitch 7 days ago

All the while male students are getting on with studying real courses and these students wonder why there's a gender pay gap. FlagShare 31JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Donald Donald 7 days ago

For decades. This is rhe first time I've heard of it. FlagShare 3PaulineDavidhBryanLikeReply LUCAS LUCAS 7 days ago

@Donald I was there in 1991 and they used to spell it "WOMYN"

FlagShare 4JerriPaulineBlinky BillDavidhLikeReply Len Len 7 days ago

@LUCAS @Donald And in the early 80's WYMYN was also a common spelling at various unis. FlagShare 2PaulineBlinky BillLikeReply Ash Ash 7 days ago

These are the sort of people that complain that their arts degree doesn't get them a job. FlagShare 36JerriJensSamIanLikeReply Frank Frank 7 days ago

Is this actually real or a long-lost script for a Monty Python sketch? FlagShare 29JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply James James 7 days ago

@Frank And I can see Eric, John, and the crew getting down to it now.

It will not be as funny as the truth though. FlagShare 1PaulineLikeReply Don Don 6 days ago

Where's the fetus going to gestate , you going to keep it in a box. FlagShare 1GlennLikeReply Brian W Brian W 7 days ago

When I was growing up I'd often hear people say "I don't know if I'm Arthur or Martha".

I thought it was a joke, but now I see that all of these smart, enlightened people at Melbourne University have exactly the same problem! FlagShare 24JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Sandra Sandra 7 days ago

@Brian W Now you say, 'I don't know whether I identify as Arthur, Martha or Other.' FlagShare 8JerriPaulineAlanBlinky BillLikeReply Leanne Leanne 7 days ago

Affirmative Action'??...oh, they mean Positive Discrimination. Which is still discrimination is it not? FlagShare 13JerriSamMargaretPaulineLikeReply Sam Sam 7 days ago

Y'all people got too much time on your hands and not enough in your life FlagShare 10JerriGlennSamPaulineLikeReply Mark Mark 7 days ago

Is it any wonder that this country is in a mess. So called "intellectuals" fighting over this type of garbage, but it's a university, what else do normal people expect from "intellectuals" FlagShare 27JerriJensSamMargaretLikeReply Peter Peter 7 days ago

Despite my assigned, heteronormative, Anglo name, I identify as a womyn of colour. And a lesbian. My pronouns are sie, hirself, hir and hirs. I am also exploring my Otherkin nature. I am starting to self Identify as a Star Nosed Mole. I can move between these identities fluidly and would like to see people like me represented on TV and in the movies and other media. I want people with identities like mine represented by the Safe Schools program, too.

Furries of the world unite! FlagShare 25JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Dale Dale 7 days ago

@Peter As a one eyed, midget pirate, I completely agree. Too long my kind have been ignored and not been represented fairly. Time for change is now! FlagShare 12JerriGlennJensSamLikeReply Matthew Matthew 7 days ago

Talk about first world issues FlagShare 20JerriMargaretRonPaulineLikeRepl

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