Real women like me are being silenced over comments on Jenner.

Maybe because you all have shit hateful opinions. I don't know what'd be more uncomfortable--hanging out with an MRA or a TERF. :p Y'all in the same class of "fucked-in-the-head" to me. Not here to debate, just saying y'all on the wrong side of history. Your opinions will change for the better, to be more accepting, because love, compassion, and understanding always win out in the end. One day you'll have to realize that you're no better than people who didn't want blacks mixing in their white spaces, 'cause "Oh just look at this anecdote I pulled up about this nigger who killed a white person." :p It's like, comedically analog, even. I see those hilarious posts about how a piece of shit dude managed to invade a women's prison, and then everyone grabs their pitchfork and readily confirms their bias. You people crack me up. You know I have /r/Gender_Critical and /r/GenderCritical in my /m/lulz multireddit? :p Trufax! Go meet a trans person and maybe you won't be such fucked little shit heads drowning in an echo chamber of your own thoughts. :3

P.S. don't bother even replying, I don't have time to argue with TERFs all day. :) Although I may reply if it seems that'd get your panties in a bunch. Oooh did you like that sexist idiom I used? Must've used it 'cause I was raised male as a transsexual. Oh boo hoo my privileged of being beat up almost every day at school for being noticeably effeminate--FEMALE. Ah yes, the male privilege of my employer questioning everything I do because "I bring my perversion to the workplace." Oh the privilege of having to be homeless at 16. Oh the privilege of having the male role thrusted upon you (which is a crock of shit in itself--nothing should be gendered) when I really wanted to do things that my family, friends, etc, saw as "too girly" for me to do. Yeah, all that privilege. I had the privilege of being raped, and worrying for the rest of my life about worrying about it happening again whenever I do finally manage to get myself out of the house.

Y'all got some issues. :)

/r/Gender_Critical Thread