Something about those “the homophobe must be a stereotypical gay guy in the closet” jokes doesn’t sit right with me

This is a tough subject. Imo... Not all homophobes are closeted. A few are just self righteous, simple minded asses.

It all starts with fear and hate they've been taught. It's instilled in us at a young age. But we all grow up and go into the world to have our own experiences and form our own beliefs. Why as adult does another man's sexual orientation bother you so much that you would be prejudice, verbally/physically assault or murder them?

So many times when we peel back the layers to circumstances of male homophobia, the homophobe has either had sexual encounters with the same sex or has wrestled with attraction to men.

Some kids will be polite to other kids they like. But sometimes, there are kids will be mean and menacing to other kids for no reason. We usually find out much later that they were mean, because they liked the other kid and didn't know how to say it or was afraid to admit it. We don't always know how to express ourselves and carry that into our adult lives with the added pressures of society.

Just my take on it.

/r/askgaybros Thread