Sometimes I hate being a 3/5 generator

Also a 3/5 generator.

Do you hate it though? Or are you frustrated that it didn't work out to your expectations? I can imagine if I hated all of my "fails" I would be profoundly depressed and bitter. I definitely have been. The blessing (and curse, as you probably know) of the 5 is the unrelenting (, completely baseless and illogical) hopefulness that the next thing is going to be The Thing.

I consider the 3/5 generator as more of a troubleshooter. I think the trick is finding a role in which there are different projects, different people, and different situations to troubleshoot. Rather than living your life jumping from profession to profession, find a profession that allows you to jump from project to project.

When I look at myself as a "troubleshooter" it helps me appreciate that the life of a troubleshooter is to figure out what's broken, and how it might be resolved, then move on to the next thing, and self-generating energy to wake up the next day and keep working on it until the problem is solved.

I've historically been a project manager. I'm now back in graduate school for counseling. I actually went for counseling straight out of undergrad, but "got bored of it". In retrospect, I didn't get bored of it, I just wasn't ready to do it. I had masses of trauma from childhood that, at that point, was completely unacknowledged, much less healed. Now that I have the tools, I'm ready to return to it.

Overall, do not compare yourself to anyone else. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks, and try not to think about others in relation to you at all, it drowns out all of the signals that are there to support you. Paying attention to my body with a 3/5 has just taught me to let go of attempts faster and to fail forward.

/r/humandesign Thread