Sony Corp’s Recent Big Loss Means Marvel Studios Could Regain Full Control Of Spider-Man

Sony is a shell of what they once were.

TVs? Sony's triluminos is really nice, definitely the best when it comes to LED. But Samsung and LG's OLED are definitely up their in PQ and arguably as good, if not better. There's a reason why Sony uses OLED die their reference monitors.

Mobile? This is a sore spot for me. My first SE was the k510, then the W810... so many. I had to import most of them. Loved my X10i (needed the euro version for tmobile) and my tablet Z is still used. But they are now bad. They developed the best camera sensor and constantly disappoint while other companies do a better job with the same sensor. Their screens have been rubbish up until the last couple years, the original Z and Z1 turned grey at an angle. Sony has never been cheap and had always been more expensive. A current midrange Xperia X cost as much, if not more than a Galaxy S7 while being vastly inferior ... and yes, no waterproofing.

I love their audio stuff. Not cheap (their midrange can be a good value) and they put NFC in everything which is nice. Camera's are awesome as well. Still use my Nex3 and we'll probably upgrade to an alpha a6300 .

Sony is really good at innovating hardware. Can be pricey but they have brought a lot to the market. Isn't the PS4 pretty much propping up the rest of the company right now? If it ever came down to it, I would rather see them cut off their entertainment division than lose their hardware division...

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