Soooo, my friend got into a DBD dev tester's lobby and this is what happened


I got some info, here's stuff from my friend:

The first thing he said was it was a pretty normal game, he ran from the killer, did gens, all the usual besides the map.

Another thing he said was the dbd dev tester could insta-heal and insta-gen, get himself up instantly and other dev powers.

This is what he replied when I asked him about endgame chat:

The killer was suspicious, me and my friend were very confused, the other guy didnt say anything and the dbd dev person was like "thank you for participating in the beta test"

Confirmed its not a bug or nothing, my suspicions on it being a hacker are quite low.

But thats all we got so far. If you look in the picture theres a building so maybe a new mini loop?

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Link -