Sosialister som ap..

Men så er ikke Ap sann til ideologien de hevder å følge.

What had changed was that the state took responsibility for correcting the three principle failures of capitalist markets: individual vulnerability to risks, under-provision of public goods, and negative externalities of private profit–maximizing economic activity. The result was a reasonably well-functioning form of capitalism with muted inequalities and muted conflicts. Capitalists may not have preferred this, but it worked well enough. Capitalism had, at least partially, been tamed.

That was the Golden Age — a faint memory in the harsh first decades of the twenty-first century. Everywhere today, even in the strongholds of Northern European social democracy, there have been calls to roll back the “entitlements” connected to social insurance, reduce taxes and public goods, deregulate capitalist production and markets, and privatize state services. Taken as a whole, these transformations go under the name of “neoliberalism.”

A variety of forces have contributed to the diminished willingness and apparent capacity of the state to neutralize the harms of capitalism.

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Den er ganske lang, men er du interessert i akkurat sosialdemokratiet og sosialisme anbefaler jeg "2. Taming capitalism".

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