Spike and Elmer have been BFFs since they met over 3 years ago, they do everything together! -Rancho Relaxo Sanctuary

Rancho Relaxo Sanctuary is located in Woddstown, New Jersey and open to visitors and volunteers: https://www.ranchorelaxonj.org/

From Rancho Relaxo:

They have been best friends since the very moment they met. Bonds like theirs are unbreakable! They eat together. They take daily walks together. They sleep next to each other every night. Watching Spike protect Elmer will always be one of the most comical, yet adorable things to me. I love their friendship and us humans can learn a lot from it. We just need to open our eyes and make the connection that is so very clear when in the presence of these two: Animals are sentient beings who love, fear, mourn, celebrate, form bonds, get excited, protect loved ones and more. Animals are just like us - only more forgiving and innocent.

/r/Animal_Sanctuary Thread Link - gfycat.com